UM Today


Add Your Voice to Upcoming Workshops April 23-25

All students, faculty, staff invited to add their voice to a research project that seeks to clarify and define 'who are we at our best?'

The University of Mississippi is embarking on an exciting new research project to clarify and define “who we are at our best” as an institution.

A series of 10 live, interactive workshops will be held April 23-25 on the Oxford campus, and your voice is essential to the success of this work. The university has partnered with Carnegie Dartlet, a national research firm that uses a distinctive methodology marked by crowd-sourced and consensus-driven approaches.

There are two types of workshops you may register for: Personality or Messaging. You are invited to attend either type. Designed to be fun, engaging, and informative, the workshops are intended to answer a simple question: Who are we at our best?

We invite you to register via the link below, and hope you will encourage your colleagues to do the same. UM students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate. No preparation is required – we just ask you to bring your perspective and a willingness to engage.

Click here to register now!