UM Today

Campus News

Adopt-A-Basket 2020

Opportunity to request baskets for your department or to learn more about donations that may be made for Adopt-A-Basket 2019.

The Associated Student Body (ASB) at the University of Mississippi will again sponsor Adopt-A-Basket. I am reaching out to you on behalf of the ASB to let you know that the basket request form is now live. 

Adopt-A-Basket Donations:

Adopt-A-Basket is an annual initiative that provides Thanksgiving meal boxes to university employees. With the help of various departments on campus, this initiative was able to supply over 100 meals to members of our very own UM community and the LOU community last year. In order to continue to serve those who may utilize this initiative, ASB will collect donations (food and monetary) from participating departments and student organizations and will gather student volunteers to assemble the meal baskets.  If you are interested in sponsoring baskets, you may fill out this from to indicate what you are willing to donate.

Adopt-A-Basket Requests for Baskets:

We are excited to have this amazing opportunity to give back to the UM community, and in order to do this, we need to know how many University employees would be requesting a basket. Please utilize this form to report the number of baskets that are needed for your department. We ask that you complete this form by Friday, November 6. The method in which your department reaches out to its constituents is at your discretion. After we determine the amount of baskets that we need to assemble, your department will be responsible for picking up its predetermined number of baskets from the Student Union Ballroom.

All baskets will be available to be picked up by one department representative on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom.  Each department will then distribute the baskets to its constituents however they see fit.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help members of theUniversity of Mississippi as well as those in the LOU community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our student coordinators. 

Devika Ganapathy

Adopt-A-Basket Coordinator, ASB

The University of Mississippi