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Join the Community Engaged Scholarship Writing Group!

Are you working on community-engaged scholarship and looking for dedicated time and space to focus on your writing? Join our writing group!

Are you working on community-engaged scholarship and looking for dedicated time and space to focus on your writing? We are excited to announce the launch of the Community Engaged Scholarship Writing Group, offering a supportive environment to help you make progress on your projects. This group is open to faculty and staff engaged in community-engaged research, publications, grant proposals, or other scholarly writing.

Writing Group Details:

  • Sessions: Four 3-hour sessions throughout the semester
  • Format: Attend any sessions that work for your schedule—no need to commit to all
  • Structure: Each session will begin with setting writing goals and end with sharing accomplishments and next steps

Session Dates:

  • Friday, September 27 from 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Monday, October 7 from 1 PM - 4 PM
  • Tuesday, October 22 from 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Thursday, November 13 from 1 PM - 4 PM

This is a great opportunity to connect with colleagues, stay accountable, and advance your work in a focused, quiet environment.

If you're interested, please complete the registration form by Wednesday, September 25, 2024